WeeK 2 / Day 3

WEDNESDAY June 16, 2021


Todays Live stream and Schedule

WEDNESDAY June 16, 2021

11:00-11:45 EEST +3
Global 5G analysis
Dr. Edward Oughton
George Mason University & Oxford University

13:00-13:45 EEST +3
6G and the Internet of Skills
Prof. Mischa Dohler
Kings College

16:00-16:45 EEST +3
Internet of Things
Assoc. prof. Sarah Renée Ruepp
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

17:00-17:45 EEST +3
How 5G Affects the Demand for ICTs
Prof. Matti Rossi
Aalto University School of Business

18:00-19:30 EEST +3
Technology boosting Social, Economical & Sustainable Development

Ari Kynäslahti
VP, CTO, Head of Strategy and Technology, 
Mobile Networks, Nokia

Ritva Reinikka
Professor of Practice,
Fmr. Director, Human Development in the Africa Region, 
Aalto University, World Bank

Victor Bahl
CTO, Technical Fellow, Azure for Operators, 

Thierry Barbé
Head of Unit, Department for International Partnerships
European Commission